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The White House is Going to Have to Respond to Justin Bieber Deportation Petition

Justin Bieber Arrested In Miami Beach

If you go to the White House’s website, you can file a petition. If enough people sign it (100,000 plus) the government then HAS to respond to it. Well, someone started up a Justin Bieber deportation petition, and guess what? It only took days for it to surpass the needed numbers.  We are all waiting patiently to see how the government is gonna handle this one.

The actual Justin Bieber deportation petition basically says: This kid is a menace to society, is abusing drugs, and is a bad role model for our youth, so we don’t want him anymore. So of course, it gets the needed signatures. The real question now is, how will this be handled? We are told that we, the people, have the power. This could prove that to be true or false. Do we think they will send Justin Bieber back to his homeland of Canada? No, we don’t. But we are very curious how they are going to justify ignoring this petition.

Reality is, we the people cannot just selectively choose who it is we deport. As much as that seems awesome, that is not the case. Reality is, over 100,000 people have spoken and are just not feeling Bieber right now. What happens next may be one for the record books.

(Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
