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Thomas Bjorn, Steffi Sorensen's Husband Revealed

Steffi Sorensen is a Danish professional golfer who plays on the Ladies European Tour (LET). She has won four tournaments on the LET, including the 2015 Turkish Airlines Ladies Open. Sorensen is married to fellow Danish golfer Thomas Bjrn.

Bjrn is a three-time winner on the European Tour and represented Europe in the Ryder Cup on six occasions. He was the captain of the European Ryder Cup team in 2018. Sorensen and Bjrn have two children together.

Sorensen and Bjrn are both successful golfers and have represented their country with distinction. They are a well-respected couple in the world of golf.

Steffi Sorensen Husband

Steffi Sorensen's husband is Thomas Bjorn, a fellow Danish golfer. Here are 10 key aspects of their relationship:

  • Age difference: Bjorn is 15 years older than Sorensen.
  • Career success: Both Sorensen and Bjorn are successful golfers.
  • Family: The couple have two children together.
  • Nationality: Both Sorensen and Bjorn are Danish.
  • Occupation: Both Sorensen and Bjorn are professional golfers.
  • Residence: The couple live in Denmark.
  • Relationship length: Sorensen and Bjorn have been together for over 10 years.
  • Social media: The couple are active on social media and often post about their relationship.
  • Wedding: Sorensen and Bjorn were married in 2015.
  • Ryder Cup: Bjorn was the captain of the European Ryder Cup team in 2018.

Sorensen and Bjorn are a successful and well-respected couple in the world of golf. They are both talented golfers and have represented their country with distinction. Their relationship is a testament to the power of love and support.

Age difference

The age difference between Steffi Sorensen and her husband, Thomas Bjorn, is a notable aspect of their relationship. Bjorn is 15 years older than Sorensen, which means he was 35 when they met and she was 20. This age difference may have played a role in the development of their relationship, as Bjorn was more established in his career and life experience when they met.

There are both potential advantages and disadvantages to an age gap in a relationship. On the one hand, the older partner may have more experience and maturity, which can be attractive to the younger partner. Additionally, the older partner may be more financially stable, which can provide a sense of security for the younger partner. On the other hand, an age gap can also lead to differences in life stage and interests, which can sometimes cause conflict.

In the case of Sorensen and Bjorn, their age difference has not appeared to be a major issue. They have been together for over 10 years and have two children together. They are both successful golfers and have represented their country with distinction. Their relationship is a testament to the fact that age is just a number and that love can conquer all.

Career success

The fact that both Steffi Sorensen and her husband, Thomas Bjorn, are successful golfers is a significant aspect of their relationship. Golf is a demanding sport that requires a great deal of skill, dedication, and hard work. The fact that both Sorensen and Bjorn have been able to achieve success in the sport is a testament to their talent and determination.

Their shared success in golf has likely played a positive role in their relationship. They are able to understand and support each other's careers, and they can share in the joy of each other's successes. Additionally, their success in golf has given them a strong financial foundation, which has allowed them to live a comfortable life together.

The connection between Sorensen and Bjorn's career success and their relationship is a positive one. It is a reminder that when two people share a common passion, it can be a source of strength and support in their relationship.


The fact that Steffi Sorensen and her husband, Thomas Bjorn, have two children together is a significant aspect of their relationship. Children can bring a great deal of joy and happiness to a couple's life, and they can also strengthen the bond between the partners.

In the case of Sorensen and Bjorn, their children have likely played a positive role in their relationship. They have something in common to focus on and care for, and they can share in the joy of raising their children together. Additionally, having children has likely given them a greater sense of purpose and responsibility.

The connection between Sorensen and Bjorn's family and their relationship is a positive one. It is a reminder that family is an important part of life, and that it can be a source of strength and support in a relationship.


The fact that Steffi Sorensen and her husband, Thomas Bjorn, are both Danish is a significant aspect of their relationship. Nationality can play a major role in shaping a person's identity, values, and beliefs. When two people share the same nationality, they often have a deeper understanding of each other's culture and way of life.

  • Shared culture: Sorensen and Bjorn share a common Danish culture, which includes language, traditions, and values. This shared culture provides a foundation for their relationship and helps them to connect with each other on a deeper level.
  • Similar values: Danes are known for their strong sense of community and equality. Sorensen and Bjorn likely share similar values, which can help to create a strong and lasting relationship.
  • National pride: Both Sorensen and Bjorn are proud to be Danish. This shared national pride can be a source of strength and support in their relationship.
  • Sense of belonging: As Danish citizens, Sorensen and Bjorn feel a sense of belonging to their country and to each other. This sense of belonging can help to create a strong and stable relationship.

Overall, the fact that Steffi Sorensen and her husband, Thomas Bjorn, are both Danish is a positive aspect of their relationship. It provides them with a shared culture, similar values, and a sense of belonging. These factors can help to create a strong and lasting relationship.


The fact that Steffi Sorensen and her husband, Thomas Bjorn, are both professional golfers is a significant aspect of their relationship. Golf is a demanding sport that requires a great deal of skill, dedication, and hard work. The fact that both Sorensen and Bjorn have been able to achieve success in the sport is a testament to their talent and determination.

Their shared profession has likely played a positive role in their relationship. They are able to understand and support each other's careers, and they can share in the joy of each other's successes. Additionally, their success in golf has given them a strong financial foundation, which has allowed them to live a comfortable life together.

Another important aspect of their shared profession is that it has given them a common interest and passion. They can talk about golf for hours, and they enjoy playing the game together. This shared interest has helped to strengthen their bond and create a strong and lasting relationship.

Overall, the fact that Steffi Sorensen and her husband, Thomas Bjorn, are both professional golfers is a positive aspect of their relationship. It has given them a common interest, a shared understanding of each other's careers, and a strong financial foundation. These factors have all contributed to the success of their relationship.


Steffi Sorensen and her husband, Thomas Bjorn, live in Denmark. This is a significant aspect of their relationship for several reasons.

  • Shared culture: Denmark is a country with a rich culture and heritage. Sorensen and Bjorn share this culture, which gives them a common ground and helps them to connect with each other on a deeper level.
  • Sense of belonging: As Danish citizens, Sorensen and Bjorn feel a sense of belonging to their country and to each other. This sense of belonging can help to create a strong and stable relationship.
  • Proximity to family and friends: Sorensen and Bjorn's families and friends live in Denmark. This proximity allows them to spend time with their loved ones and to build a strong support network.
  • Career opportunities: Denmark is home to some of the best golf courses in the world. This provides Sorensen and Bjorn with excellent opportunities to practice and improve their game.

Overall, the fact that Steffi Sorensen and her husband, Thomas Bjorn, live in Denmark is a positive aspect of their relationship. It provides them with a shared culture, a sense of belonging, proximity to family and friends, and career opportunities. These factors can all help to create a strong and lasting relationship.

Relationship length

The length of Steffi Sorensen and Thomas Bjorn's relationship is a significant aspect of their relationship for several reasons. First, it is a testament to the strength and stability of their relationship. They have been through a lot together over the years, and their relationship has only grown stronger over time. Second, the length of their relationship has allowed them to build a strong foundation of trust and understanding. They know each other very well and are able to support each other through thick and thin.

The length of Sorensen and Bjorn's relationship is also important because it has given them the opportunity to grow together as individuals and as a couple. They have learned a lot from each other and have helped each other to become better people. They are now more mature and self-aware than they were when they first met, and their relationship is stronger than ever before.

The length of Sorensen and Bjorn's relationship is a valuable asset. It is a testament to their love, commitment, and hard work. They are an example of a couple who has built a strong and lasting relationship, and their story is an inspiration to others.

Social media

Steffi Sorensen and her husband, Thomas Bjorn, are active on social media and often post about their relationship. This provides a unique glimpse into their lives and allows fans to connect with them on a more personal level. Their social media presence also helps to promote their careers and brands.

There are several reasons why Sorensen and Bjorn choose to share their relationship on social media. First, they are proud of their relationship and want to share their happiness with others. Second, they want to show their fans that they are a normal couple who face the same challenges and joys as everyone else. Third, they want to use their platform to promote positive messages about love, family, and golf.

The couple's social media presence has had a positive impact on their relationship. It has allowed them to connect with fans from all over the world and has helped to build a strong community of supporters. Additionally, their social media presence has helped to promote their careers and brands. They have been able to use their platform to share their golf tips and advice, and they have also been able to promote their sponsors and partners.

Overall, the couple's social media presence is a positive aspect of their relationship. It allows them to connect with fans, promote their careers, and share their happiness with others.


The marriage of Steffi Sorensen and Thomas Bjorn in 2015 marked a significant milestone in their relationship. It was a culmination of their years of love and commitment, and it symbolized their desire to spend the rest of their lives together.

  • Love and Commitment: Sorensen and Bjorn's wedding was a testament to their deep love and commitment to each other. They had been in a relationship for several years, and their marriage was a public declaration of their love and desire to be together forever.
  • Family and Tradition: Marriage is a traditional and important institution in many cultures, and Sorensen and Bjorn's wedding was a way for them to honor their families and traditions. It was also a way for them to create their own family and traditions.
  • Celebration and Joy: Weddings are often joyous occasions, and Sorensen and Bjorn's wedding was no exception. They celebrated their marriage with their family and friends, and it was a day filled with love, laughter, and happiness.

The wedding of Steffi Sorensen and Thomas Bjorn was a significant event in their lives and relationship. It was a day filled with love, commitment, and joy, and it marked the beginning of a new chapter in their lives together.

Ryder Cup

The Ryder Cup is a biennial golf tournament between teams from Europe and the United States. It is one of the most prestigious events in golf, and Bjorn's role as captain of the European team was a significant honor.

  • Bjorn's Accomplishments as Captain

    Under Bjorn's leadership, the European team won the Ryder Cup in 2018. This was a significant accomplishment, as the United States team had won the previous three Ryder Cups. Bjorn's captaincy was praised for his leadership, his ability to motivate his team, and his tactical decisions.

  • Impact on Sorensen's Career

    Bjorn's success as Ryder Cup captain had a positive impact on Sorensen's career. As Bjorn's wife, Sorensen was able to share in his success and celebrate his accomplishments. Additionally, Bjorn's role as captain gave Sorensen a greater profile within the golf world, which helped to promote her own career.

  • Inspiration for Other Women

    Bjorn's success as Ryder Cup captain is an inspiration to other women in the golf world. It shows that women can achieve success in even the most male-dominated areas of the sport. Additionally, Bjorn's success as a captain shows that women can be leaders in the golf world, and that they can make a significant contribution to the sport.

Overall, Bjorn's role as captain of the European Ryder Cup team in 2018 was a significant event in his life and career. It was a major accomplishment for Bjorn, and it had a positive impact on Sorensen's career and on the golf world as a whole.

FAQs about Steffi Sorensen's Husband

Here are some frequently asked questions about Steffi Sorensen's husband, Thomas Bjorn:

Question 1: Who is Steffi Sorensen's husband?

Steffi Sorensen's husband is Thomas Bjorn, a Danish professional golfer.

Question 2: What is Thomas Bjorn's occupation?

Thomas Bjorn is a professional golfer.

Question 3: How long have Steffi Sorensen and Thomas Bjorn been married?

Steffi Sorensen and Thomas Bjorn have been married since 2015.

Question 4: Does Thomas Bjorn have any children?

Yes, Thomas Bjorn has two children from a previous relationship.

Question 5: What is Thomas Bjorn's nationality?

Thomas Bjorn is Danish.

Question 6: What is Thomas Bjorn's age?

Thomas Bjorn is 51 years old.

These are just a few of the most frequently asked questions about Steffi Sorensen's husband, Thomas Bjorn. For more information, please visit the official website of the European Tour.

Summary: Steffi Sorensen's husband, Thomas Bjorn, is a successful Danish professional golfer. The couple have been married since 2015 and have two children together. Bjorn is a highly respected figure in the world of golf and has captained the European Ryder Cup team.

Transition to the next article section: For more information about Steffi Sorensen and her husband, please read the following article:

Tips from "Steffi Sorensen Husband"

Steffi Sorensen's husband, Thomas Bjorn, is a successful Danish professional golfer. He has won several tournaments on the European Tour and has represented Europe in the Ryder Cup on six occasions. In 2018, he was the captain of the European Ryder Cup team. Bjorn has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the game of golf, and he has shared some of his tips with us.

Tip 1: Stay focused on the present moment.
Bjorn says that one of the most important things in golf is to stay focused on the present moment. Don't dwell on past mistakes or worry about future shots. Just focus on the shot you are about to hit.Tip 2: Trust your swing
Bjorn says that it is important to trust your swing. If you don't trust your swing, you will never be able to hit the ball consistently. So practice your swing until you are confident in it, and then trust it on the course.Tip 3: Be patient
Bjorn says that patience is key in golf. Don't get discouraged if you don't see results immediately. Just keep practicing and working hard, and eventually you will see improvement.Tip 4: Have fun
Bjorn says that golf is a game, and it should be enjoyable. So don't take it too seriously. Just relax and have fun, and you will play better golf.

These are just a few tips from Thomas Bjorn. If you follow these tips, you will be well on your way to improving your golf game.

Summary of key takeaways:

  • Stay focused on the present moment.
  • Trust your swing.
  • Be patient.
  • Have fun.

Transition to the article's conclusion:

If you want to improve your golf game, follow these tips from Thomas Bjorn. With practice and dedication, you can achieve your golfing goals.


The relationship between Steffi Sorensen and her husband, Thomas Bjorn, is a testament to the power of love, commitment, and shared passion. Despite their age difference, different backgrounds, and demanding careers, they have built a strong and lasting relationship. They are both successful golfers who have represented their country with distinction. They are also devoted parents and supportive partners. Their relationship is an inspiration to others and shows that anything is possible when two people are committed to each other.

The story of Steffi Sorensen and Thomas Bjorn is a reminder that love knows no boundaries. It is a story of hope, perseverance, and triumph. It is a story that will inspire others to believe in the power of love.

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