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Who is Ryland Longoni from Love Is Blind season 4? Meet the real estate investor from Seattle

Love is Blind season 4 is set to premiere on Friday, March 24, at 3:01 am ET. It will feature a whole new set of contestants as they get ready to find love during the televised social experiment.

The show will see a total of 30 singles, one of them being Ryland Longoni, a real estate investor from Seattle.

Ryland’s Netflix bio reads:

"The key to my heart is good food and good lovin’."

Ryland Longoni from Love is Blind is looking for someone who can join his family for Sunday night dinners

One of the 15 male cast members set to appear on the Netflix dating reality show is Ryland Longoni, a marketing representative at Federated Insurance Company in Seattle, Washington.

The upcoming participant is a graduate of Edmonds College, where he earned an associate’s degree of Arts in business administration and management from 2011 to 2013. Ryland then attended the University of Washington, Michael G. Foster School of Business where he studied marketing and sales for two years.

He has been working for the Federated Insurance Company since 2015 in various roles. He began his career there working as a sales and marketing representative trainee in Owatonna, Minnesota before moving on to Seattle to work as a Marketing Representative in 2016.

While on the show, he hopes to find a teammate who can join his family for Sunday night dinners.

Netflix’s Tudum states about the upcoming cast member:

"The grind never stops for the “very picky” Ryland, who says “working too much” has affected his dating life. Plus, his biggest pet peeve is how everything feels “very casual” when it comes to relationships nowadays."

The other singles joining him on the show include Irina Solomonova, Marshall Glaze, Bliss, Kwame Appiah, Micah Lussier, Zack Goytowski, Jackelina Bonds, Brett Brown, April King, Ava Van Jenson, Brandie Bowman, Chris Clemens, Chelsea Griffin, Connon Fremmerlid, Jack Bonner, Jimmy Forde, and Josh Demas.

Also set to appear on Love is Blind season 4 are Amber Wilder, Juan Johnson, Quincy, Paul, Josh JP Schultz, Kacia, Kendra, Molly, Monica, Tiffany, Bill, and Wendi.

Nick and Vanessa Lachey return as hosts

The upcoming season of the dating reality show, set to air on Netflix, will see famous couple Nick and Vanessa Lachey serve as hosts as the show gets a new location. Love is Blind season 4 will take place in Seattle and will help singles who are “looking for a rom-com kind of happy ending.”

Netflix’s Tudum reads about the show:

"Fire up your group texts, because a brand-new squad of 30 eligible men and women will enter the pods when Season 4 launches on March 24. Co-hosts Nick and Vanessa Lachey will once again preside over the series that asks singles to take a chance at real, deep love by dating sight unseen."

Tune in on Friday, March 24, at 3:01 am ET to watch the season premiere of Love is Blind season 4 on Netflix.

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